More Ocean Critters You Can’t Eat

Today Oceana published a report showing that three trawl fisheries, calico scallops, rock shrimp and royal red shrimp, pose an increased threat to South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico deep-sea habitat.

  1. Calico scallops are smaller and less expensive than bay scallops.  Because calico scallops are harvested in vast quantities they are not shucked by hand but are steamed to open their shells. Calico scallop meat can be identified by its whitened edges which have been partially cooked by the steaming. Because of their size, taste, and quality they are generally cheaper.
  2. Rock and Red shrimp are far more perishable than other shrimp. Therefore, most are marketed in the raw frozen state as either whole or split tails. Rock shrimp are purchased according to size, however the largest size generally available is 21 to 25 per pound. They are also lower in price than other shrimp

So with respect to these avoid cheap shrimp and scallops.  Your best bit is to avoid supermarkets and head to an experienced fish monger or seafood shop where you can ask question about exactly what you are getting.  The minimum wage fish counter help at Stop and Shop doesn’t know or care.