MRSA Killed By Deep-Sea Bacteria

Before this marine-based life I worked in a hospital. One thing that scared the @#$% out of me was methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. When I left the hopsital for graduate school I was glad to leave that behind. I never thought that MRSA and my new life would meet. A group of UK scientists recently discovered a bacterium from the seafloor off Japan with the ability to kill MRSA.

One Reply to “MRSA Killed By Deep-Sea Bacteria”

  1. I find it hard to believe this article didn’t get more interest in the way of comments. I find it very timely information. I realize that space exploration is also a fascinating area of interest, but really we should focus more effort on deep sea exploration. The only mixed blessing to not having already done so might be that we have not also spoiled that resource yet. Hopefully we can find a way to benefit from these resources without spoiling them.

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