Darwin and the Adventure Day 3

On Saturday, we had logistical operations all day. We needed to finalize our plans for Monday’s workshop and discuss operations with the Tocorimé organizers. The crew of the Tocorimé have been such an amazing and invaluable resource. Their enthusiasm for the project has been spiritual at times. The lovely Adriana and Markus have a can do attitude and have promising goals of using the Tocorimé as a flagship for science, education and outreach.

After a nice lunch, we spent the afternoon hiking up to a waterfall with a natural waterslide and taking a dip in the very refreshing mountain stream. Afterwards, we had a very nice dinner and came home a bit to prepare for eventful week ahead of us, as well as the next day’s sail.

I forgot to purchase an adapter for my computer charger, so I am using a public computer right now until I can borrow Karen’s adapter. I’ll post more pictures up later.

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