Hand-Held GPS and You!

Pattra Chaisawat is an Industrial Design student at the Academy Of Art University in San Francisco. He is doing a class project on hand-held GPS unit product design, specifically for the marine scientist. I know many (if not most) of our readers are GPS aficionados so please take 2-5 minutes and fill out this brief survey for his class project and spread the word. Your responses are valuable even if you do not regularly  use hand-held GPS units.

Currently, I am doing research for a Product Design class, which is to design a better working, and more ergonomically suitable GPS, with the main target market being Marine Scientists. At this point in the class, we are developing and redefining our research to get as best an understanding as possible about our narrow choice of potential consumers.

[The survey] contains 15 short questions that will help me get a better understanding of people in the field, and their interaction with existing GPS devices. Please invest a moment of your time to fill in the form. Although this is only a student’s prototype project, I can assure you that it is taken seriously by fellow students and faculty. Your effort and information provided is greatly valued.