Where’s the Ocean Love?

DSN will be featuring some guest posts from Danny Richter – A Ph.D Student at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego studying diatoms stems from an interest in their potential to affect global biogeochemical cycles, and ultimately the climate.  He is active in attempting to influence national climate policy by lobbying in California and in DC  and often giving public lectures. We are excited about Danny’s expertise and writing as a welcome contribution to DSN. Make sure you welcome Danny below in the comments.

Check out this Op-Ed piece in the LA Times by two professors at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (one of whom also happens to be the director).

Allow me to paraphrase: where’s the ocean love? It feeds a billion people, it takes up a third of the fossil CO2 we’ve dumped into the atmosphere, and “ocean” gets only one passing reference in the footnotes of introductory text for the Cancun Climate Negotiations? Aren’t these guys supposed to be on our side?

Ok, that last sentiment might be naive. Anyway, profs Dickson and Haymet nail the important message too often buried with regard to all things climate: we know the cause, the effects will do harm. And no, we do not need another assessment to be sure. So let’s keep our eyes on the prize, stop emitting fossil CO2, and stop now.