The innaugural DSN retreat is upon us!

I can’t tell you how excited I am that all (yes, ALL) of the current DSN bloggers will be united this weeked for the very first time, here in Atlanta, as we embark  our innaugural blogging retreat.   What’s a blogging retreat?  Dunno yet, we’ll find out, but I’m pretty sure it involves cephalopods, distilled sugar cane juice, pirate costumes and a stuffed (ex)parrot.  Georgia Aquarium is providing the venue, which is great because it means I get to show the Deeplings around what is, admittedly, a pretty fun place to work.  While they’re here, Craig has even been gracious enough to agree to give a Halloween-themed lecture on spooky sea life as part of the aquarium’s Science on Tap series.  So, if you’re near the ATL join is.  Otherwise, stay tuned for updates from the 1st DSN bloggers retreat, and if you haven’t heard from us by Monday, send a search party (please make sure they bring extra rum, thanks)