Oceanography yarn-bombed!

I come from a family of insanely good knitters. For a time, my mom even knitted professionally for some fancy department store in Manhattan. Although the yarn gene seems to have skipped me, I do have an appreciation for some fancy knitting and purling. When I found out Schmidt Oceans invited knitter Michelle Schwengel-Regala onboard the R/V Falkor for one of their expeditions as an artist-in-residence all I can say I was ECSTATIC. I love art, I love creativity, I love the ocean and I love this.

I mean look at this nonsense, a cozy sweater for an ARGO float.

Temperature and salinity profiles from a CTD….RENDERED IN YARN.

Speaking of CTDs, is that knit Spam Musubi clinging to the rosette headed to the deep?

I may actually learn how to knit to do this to ALL MY TOOLS.

Stealthily yarn bombing your serious deployment.

Scan this QR code to go to an amazing underwater adventure?


One of these things is not like the other…

You can read more about knitting while at sea here and here, check out more of Michelle Schwengel-Regala yarn bombs on Instragram or even her other undersea knitting project “Hook the Deep.

Halfway Point: Artist-at-Sea

2 Replies to “Oceanography yarn-bombed!”

  1. Mahalo Kim for your coverage of my Artist-at-Sea projects! The Schmidt Ocean Institute has created an incredible art residency opportunity and the R/V Falkor might be my favorite yarnbombing target to date. Long live the #dazzlecamouflage! Even around the equator, my knitted red Cousteau/Zissou hat sure came in handy.
    Keep up the good work with your research and reporting.
    Yours in yarn, Michelle
    (ps – drop me a message and I’ll get some knitsubi to you asap!)

  2. I had to, I love it! Knitting at sea is actually very popular, and this is a wonderful extension of it.

    I will certainly drop you a line, I can bring the knitsubi to the Bering in May

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